Friday, May 1, 2009

(Part 5) Don't Trust A Hoe.

Jeff woke up at around 1 am that night. He wasn’t used to sleeping this long without being lectured about Amanda’s day. He turned to Sara’s direction.
“You awake?” asked Jeff not expecting to hear anything, he didn’t, so he lay back down and tried to go to sleep.
“No, Mr. Wilson, I’m not drunk enough to do that to you…” Jeff’s eyes jolted open and he spun around to see Sara, she was still sleeping.
“What? Vodka? Ya that should do it…yummmmy.” She started tossing and turning, and Jeff bit his lips trying not to laugh.
“No I don’t wanna get out here Jason, there are no corners…it’s a straight street…how will I make any money here?” once again he tried biting his lips, but if he tried to hold it in any more he would have punctured his skin. He turned around and stuffed his head in a pillow, and laughed. He was surprised at how concealed it was. Finally he heard Sara.
“Ok, yes I want to take a ride on your disco stick…tomorrow Mr. Sandman, right now can you bring me a dream? I’m very tired. Ok night, night.” Then she stopped talking, Jeff still felt his belly shake, trying to keep himself from laughing. Then he turned on his other side with his eyes closed. He opened them to see that there was someone right next to his bed. He opened his mouth to try and scream help… but he couldn’t make a noise.
“Your mother makes that face when I’m naked… wanna know the difference between you and her? She’s on her knees when she’s making that face.” Jeff just closed his mouth his eyes widened with terror, it’s the your mother man. Before the man said another terrible joke a security guard opened the door.
“You go back to room NOW!” said the short man
“No way Mr. ChingChongz. You’re so small…”
“I can go an entire day riding down your urethra… it’s over Madex, you’ve used all your small jokes up.” The man dropped his head, and the Mr. ChingChongz walked into the moon light, the white light beamed across his face, he was a short Asian man.
“Now, you go to bed, and when you there…you eat noodles…” The man walked away. Mr. ChingChongz walked over and kneeled by Jeff’s bed.
“You ok kid.” He asked Jeff… oddly enough rubbing his head.
“Uhh… yes…” Jeff said still puzzled.
“Don’t worry… he won’t bore you anymore.” And with that Mr. ChingChonz got up and walked away… in slow motion it seemed…
“He will fight all my battles for me.” Jeff said looking at The Security Guard in Awe.
Jeff woke up, it turned out to just be a dream. They were wheeling out Sara.
“Wait! Sara where are you going?”
“I’m going to the meeting room, then I’m off to go home.”
“Oh,” Jeff said a little upset to find out his new friend was leaving, “Well…can I have…” Sara interrupted him before he finished.
“It’s already on your arm, call me when you get home.” Then they wheeled her out.
Jeff lay back down and looked at the ceiling, then to his side where Sara used to be. The curtain was 2/3rd’s closed. He looked back up to the ceiling, but the door from Sara’s side of the room opened. Jeff turned to see who it was just late enough to miss the guys face.
“Who’s that?” Jeff asked the nurse
“His name is Zack, he’s your new room mate.” She said as she walked away.
“Zack?” Jeff said “That’s a douche bags name…I wonder what he’s like.” Jeff looked at the curtain… they must have bumped into his bed because he couldn’t reach the curtain anymore…so Jeff looked on the little table by his bed…perfect… a pen and paper. He picked it up and started to brain storm…
“Ok… Zack… is a douche bag…who likes to pop his color or where a hoody…hood up. He likes his hair like a Fo-Hawk and he wears those Kanye West Glasses.” Jeff smiled to himself, but he couldn’t stop now. “He is late for work and doesn’t care, he could go weeks without taking a shower… and his catch phrase is ‘That’s just my luck’ and he shrugs his shoulders and puts his hands in the air when he says this…his best friends name is Joel... they met in elementary school… Joel’s Dad is a lawyer and his mom is an ex-Mexican stripper…Joel’s dad went down to Mexico for Business… AKA Joel’s mom…and got Joel’s mom pregnant with Joel… Ok back to Zack… he met Susan... at Joel’s party…and Joel is going out with Susan’s sister…Kim… So that’s how Susan was at Joel’s party… soo…. Zack and Susan were making out…then Susan took him to Joel’s parents room to have sex…and then after undressing Susan he found out she was a hermaphrodite… but he was so drunk he didn’t care… then the Exchange student…Patrick…who is from Ireland and has red hair and is short… walks in on them…and tells everyone because he wants people to like him… because he’s an exchange student. YES!” Jeff held the paper back to see the time line of Zack, then he turned to face the curtain Zack was behind.
“Zack, you twisted son of a bitch.” Jeff laughed. Then the door opened. Amanda stormed into the room, and slapped Jeff across the face.
“Where the fuck were you for my sweet sixteen!” she yelled at him.
“You saw me fall off the rooftop.” Jeff told her in a small voice.
“Do you know how many guys I had to make out with and strip for, to make myself feel amazing at my party?”
“Umm… I don…” before he could finish she snapped at him
“6 guys to make out with, 3 guys to strip for, and 2 guys to give blow jobs to!” She turned and sat on the chair next to his bed.
“You did WHAT?!” Jeff screamed at her.
“Oh ya, blame me, you weren’t there Jack ass.” Jeff tried to calm himself down, and it worked.
“I’m sorry, I will throw you a personal sweet 16.” Jeff told her.
“Aww ok babe.” She walked over to him and whispered in his ear.
“I’m sure I can make you forget about what I did to those other guys when you get home.” Jeff eyes widened again, and were accompanied by a sluggish smile.
“Well, your dad is just outside, ready to take you home, see you tonight.” She winked and walked away.
“Ready to go home bud.” His dad said
“Yup.” Jeff smiled and sat in the wheel chair. On the way to the entrance people gave Jeff the weirdest look. He looked down…nope nothing embarrassing that could have been caused by what Amanda said. As the got to the exit a small kid walked up to him.
“Are you Jeff?” he asked him
“Uhh… ya I am…why?” Jeff inquired.
“The same Jeff that stripped for the cop and then fell off the playground roof.” Jeff looked up and to the hospital door.
“Sara!” He whispered through clenched teeth.
“Well are you.” Jeff turned to the little kid.
“She was a 10 on the hot scale kid, and she made it worth my while.” Jeff winked at the kid and was pushed by his father out to the car.
Only 6 more hours. Jeff thought looking at the clock… it was 4 pm.