Tuesday, May 5, 2009

(Part 7) Sex, Shower, Breakups, And Death

Jeff woke up on the floor, he looked at the clock that was upside down besides him, he smiled, it was 7 am
“I went to bed 4 hours ago,” Smiled Jeff, he rolled on his back and heard the shower going, he raised his head to make sure it wasn’t Sara just warming it up, it wasn’t. She was no where to be seen. He laid back down and held the clock above his face.
“You saw some wild things didn’t you mister clock?” Jeff didn’t know why he was talking to this clock, but he was.
“Well, don’t be afraid, it’s human nature, people do it all the time, and now I see why.” Jeff smiled at himself, “Now, not many people start off against the dresser knocking you on the floor…”
“But that’s because Jeff was my first, now go to sleep mister clock.” Said Sara with her arms crossed giving a little smirk to Jeff. Once he heard her voice he dropped the clock and it hit his chest, he franticly picked it up as the alarm went off and he dropped it again, then he hit the snooze button, and he put it back on Sara’s dresser, then he leaned against her dresser, and attempted to regain himself from embarrassment.
“I…didn’t here the shower going off.”
“That’s because it is warming up. I haven’t gone in yet, notice my dry hair.” Jeff tried a different position because the current position was becoming very uncomfortable. “I just came out to see if you wanted to join me… if your done with mister clock that is.” She gave Jeff a wink, turned around and walked to the bathroom while pretending to take off her towel.
Wow…I’m her first time? I can’t believe it, I thought she might have lost it along time ago. Why am I not leaving after sex…maybe I’m in a little to deep. Suddenly the alarm clock went off again and knocked him back to real life. He ran after her and walked into the bathroom, as he entered Sara just stated.
“Is that because your glad to see me or because of what Mister clock said to you.”

It was 8:45 when they got out of the shower, it was a slight awkward silence.
“Well, that was the fist shower that I came out dirtier then I did going in.” Sara just raised her eye brow and tried giving him a ‘I’m not impressed’ look, but Jeff could easily see her holding back a smile. He tied hi sneakers and walked out the door wearing a sports jacket Sara’s dad used to wear. He turned around and looked at Sara, he arms were behind her back and she was teetering on her toes back and forth.
“See ya late…” Before he finished Sara grabbed him and kissed him like she did the night before. Then she backed up and grabbed the door with one hand.
“Ya see you later. Love you.” Then she closed the door. Jeff was stunned.
Are we going out? He turned around, and walked down the drive way.
SHIT MY CAR! He looked as he remembered he left his car at Amanda’s house. So he started walking down the road.
Would it be really bad if I go out with someone while I’m still technically with Amanda?
I mean I am going to break up with her when I see her next. Not today cause she’s with that girl…and that would be awkward…But it would be even worse if I dump Sara now right after we had sex…that would be even worse… Ok, I will give me and Sara a try…how bad could it be in the end?
Jeff looked up, he was already at Amanda’s house, he walked over to his car and spent twenty minutes trying to get the keys from his jeans, not only were they very short… but very tight as well. He finally got his keys and opened the door to his car. As he opened the door he heard screaming from Amanda’s house, it was the girl from last night, she ran out of the house.
“You said you loved me!” she yelled back to the house as Amanda walked out.
“I don’t know you!” shouted Amanda.
“Funny since you repeated my name over and over again last night!”
“Well that’s because you said your own name as well I just repeated YOU saying it!”
“What ever Mandy.” She said with her arms on the top of the car.
“Just leave Kris.”
“Fine, I’ll leave,” the girl apparently named Kris got in her car and rolled down the passengers window. “But we both know I was the best you ever had.” Then she drove away, Amanda put her head in her hands and shook her head. When she looked up Jeff realized he was looking directly at her, she walked over to him.
“Hey baby.” She hugged him leaned in for a kiss, he backed away. “What’s your problem?” she asked him,
“Amanda, I can’t do this anymore, we are over.” Jeff waited for a little tear, some sort off emotion.
“Mhmm…well how bout you kiss me and we can go inside and put our bodies to better use.” Amanda grabbed his hand and walked towards her house, Jeff got loose of her grip.
“And do what? The same thing you’ve done with every guy in town BUT me?” Amanda started laughing.
“Oh I’m sorry, correction EVERYONE, now that your Bi.” Jeff was starting to get upset.
“Since when did you grow balls? Forget about them, if you do I’ll show you what she showed me.” Amanda raised her index finger and tried to lure him into her house.
“No Amanda it’s over.” Jeff got in his car and looked at her reaction. She had to feel bad by this point.
“Ok, what ever, see you when I see you.” Then she pranced into her house. He had only seen her prance like that once, and that was after she had lost her virginity. Apparently him breaking up with her was the same as sex. Jeff drove home and walked in. He went to his room, hoped in his bed, crossed his arms, put them behind his head and just stared at the ceiling, thinking. Suddenly he heard the downstairs door open.
“Hey Kiddo guess who got lucky!” His dad was home and he ran upstairs and burst through Jeff’s bedroom door.
“Come on, guess who got lucky.” His dad urged him.
“I thought you weren’t home.” Smirked Jeff, he wanted to drag his dad’s excitement and anticipation out as long as possible.
“She wanted to go to a hotel…said it would be… kinkier, I think was the word she used.” His dad stated quickly “So, guess who got lucky.” Jeff smiled to himself,
“Me.” His dad laughed
“Really? Congratulations kiddo, you and me both, we need to celebrate.” Jeff followed his dad downstairs. And his dad got out some bowls.
“Lets have fruit loops.” Jeff laughed, he figured this would be there reward, the reward always has to be worse then what you are being rewarded for. They sat and ate, both not needing to talk because of how happy they were.
“Too bad you couldn’t keep your promise.” His dad said
“What do you mean?” Jeff knew what he was talking about.
“You told me you would have a V-card on you at all times.” Jeff stirred his fruit loops
“Actually, I did.” Jeff’s dad missed his mouth with the spoon
“But Amanda is far from being a virgin son… have you forgotten what V-card stands for?”
“No I…” before he could finish his dad cut in
“Maiden head, chaste.”
“I broke up with Amanda… do you remember Sara.” His dad started laughing again.
“Oh god, GOOD JOB! That beats the time you had to waste on Amanda.” Jeff wished he could say it wasn’t wasted time… but it was.
“Well… good job… but it might be kind of weird and or creepy.” Jeff looked up
“What do you mean…” Jeff asked, hoping for a different answer then what he had come up with at this point.
“Well… her mom gave me her number… and… well… I was with Sara’s mom last night.” Jeff couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His dad could sense how Jeff was feeling so he tried changing subjects.
“You taste that?” Jeff was silent “Notice a hint of yay?” Jeff looked up at this
“You mean like the expression?” Jeff laughed, then Jeff finished and headed upstairs to his room.
“So, how was it.” Asked Jeff’s dad looking up at Jeff who was half way up the stairs.
“I’ll put it this way…” Jeff said sticking his head from the stairs. “There was a lot more yay then there was in those fruit loops.” Jeff went to bed and slept for a good amount of time when he woke up it was 4. He heard the phone ringing. Then his dad walked in.
“Umm…Jeff there’s no easy way to say this…” Jeff looked at his dads eyes, he had no idea what was happening.
“Amanda died in a car accident…” Jeff’s jaw dropped… he couldn’t believe it.
“Oh my god.”
“I know how you must feel, get changed into something less gay, and I’ll drive you to the location, they want to talk to you.” Jeff laid back on his bed.
I can’t believe this, Amanda is dead… I’ve known her for years…we went out…she was my first kiss…so why don’t I give a shit? Jeff felt nothing, no sadness at all… he found it hard to even think about it… he would get sidetracked easily.
I should miss her… remember that one day in science class…when she looked at you and you kissed as there was fire…oh that’s right I gotta do that science homework… what’s it on again? Volcano’s, ya that’s it… There cool… I wonder what would happen if I made a volcano… I think I will…Oh ya that’s right… I gotta do that whole Amanda thing…


Anonymous said...

Ding Dong the Bitch is dead! FINALLY I really hated her no offense.

-Heather(im too lazy to sign in :P)

Anonymous said...

Omg. Thats is funny and amazing. WRITE MORE PWEEZ

Klarissa (also too lazy to sign in)<3