Friday, April 24, 2009

(Part 2) She's Ready...Set...Go!

“Your bored? Really? I say I love you and you say your bored, come over?” Jeff hated it when she did this.
“Cool it Jeff, you know I love you, why say it every god damn 5 seconds? I’m bored. And you’re a virgin, we can change that if you want.” Jeff tilted his head in the air and placed the phone to his chest. She used the voice again…damn it, the voice to go along with her looks, Jeff knew he could say no till he was blue in the face, he would be over there.
“So when shall I come over?”
“I’m thinking, ten minutes, or I may just fall out of my mood.” Jeff could feel a grin movie across his face, and she could too.
“Starting, now.” The line went dead, and instantly Jeff panicked,

SHIT! How do I get there…the car…yes! Jeff jumped off his bed and ran down stairs, jumping the last steps, forgetting it was about 4 am, he swung the garage door open, he jumped in the car…
“God…I must be the biggest dumb ass ever.” Jeff said laughing at himself, he opened the door and walked over to the key cubby his parents kept the car keys in.
“It’s not going to work, I drained the gas.” His dad said laughing from his lazy boy
“I’m sorry, I could have sworn you said you drained my gas tank, from my car, that I bought with my money.” Jeff said completely upset.
“Ya I did.” His dad just let it all go and laughed.
“Why dad? Why tonight?”
“Well if you look in the fridge you will understand.” Jeff walked over to the fridge, his entire face went pale.
“Oh my god dad…are…are you ok?” Jeff’s voice cracked and he calmed down immediately.
“Ya I’m fine, I just had to get some gas so I could go get some.”
“How? How did this happen?”
“Carelessness. I just kept consuming, and I didn’t count.” Jeff dropped his head, his dad walked over and put his arms around Jeff.
“It’s ok boy, I got a beer, it will all be fine.”
“But you won’t have any for tomorrow.”
“I will run out and get a Two Four. It’ll be alright.” Jeff looked up and gave his dad a smirk.
“We really are rediculous aren’t we dad.” His dad just gave a big laugh.
“Yes son, yes we are, now go get the gas from my car and put it in yours, I assume you may get lucky tonight?” Once Jeff turned and went to the garage, He started to drain the gas from his dads car. After he loaded it back into his own car. He turned the ignition, it stalled.
“Give it a moment…” His dad said,
“I did, I gave it like two entire seconds.”
“Wait…ok now turn.”
“No dad, it’s not working.”
“Try… pumping the gas.”
“Try pumping the gas.” Jeff just turned the ignition and the car started.
“Ok, dad can you open the garage door?”
“Ya sure thing.” It took a good 2 minutes for the door to open and Jeff was on his way, he ran two red lights, and almost hit an old woman, but it would be worth it. Suddenly he heard a noise…a siren… Jeff slowed down and looked into the head lights…the cop was telling him to pull over, he did so.
“You ran two red lights and were going over the speed limit and…” the cop started but then looked at Jeff’s face.
“Please officer you have to let me go, I… I need to get to my girlfriends house…she…no gas…I have to hurry…10 MINUTES!...10 MINUTES!” Jeff was crying…he was so happy with himself, he has moments where he comes to tears quiet often, and it finally paid off.
“Umm ok kid, I’ll leave you with a warning…”
“10 MINUTES!” Jeff yelled, causing a group of cops to look at the cop at Jeff’s car.
“It’s…it’s ok guys, he’s just a little upset that’s all.” The cop said with a smile on his face waving at the group.
“Jack ass.” One of the cops said.
“Ok kid, just go clearly your having a bad night, I just have to give you this ticket…” the cop tried to talk again but Jeff’s phone went off, Amanda had sent him a message,

Five more minutes big boy, you think you can handle me;)

Jeff took a big gulp and stared at the cop
“Sir, do…do you have a dangerous job?”
“Yes…yes I do why?”
“Is there a chance you will die soon?”
“Well…everyone dies, but I do have a dangerous job.”
“Well sir, I was rushing to the hospital, my girlfriends grandmother is sick, I wanted to say goodbye. But…it’s too late now. Sir if you die and go to heaven…can you tell her that I love her? …SHE WAS LIKE A MOTHER TO ME!” Jeff sobbed some more.
“HEY ASSHOLE! LET THE KID GO!” yelled one of the cops in the group.
“Ya, ya I will Steve,” the cop waved at the officer apparently named Steve, “Ok kid, I’m so sorry, I won’t keep you any longer.”
“Thank you officer, thank you for being so reasonable.” Jeff swallowed his tears and drove off. He smiled at himself as he saw the street sign French Av. He was close, only 2 more blocks…but then he heard something else…not a siren… a bubbling noise, he looked at the gas… it was on empty. He jumped out of the car immediately, and ran, luckily he knew a short cut. He jumped a fence and ran across an old woman’s yard, and over the next fence, which led to a park…what he didn’t know is that the ditch that is usually dry, was muddy now, he fell up to his ankles in mud. He just kept running, finally he saw the street, Grossel Dr. And there was the house with a light on, Amanda’s he knocked on the door, took off his shoes and socks… amazingly none had gotten on his pants, and his feet didn’t look drenched. Amanda opened the door.
“Hey baby, why so late?” she said turning around after grabbing his hand and dragging him with her.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Amanda sat him down and sat on his lap, facing him.
“Well I hope this is worth it then.” She moved in close to kiss him, he could feel warm breath from her mouth hit his lips, when suddenly he heard a beeping noise.
“Uh oh, looks like you are too late, so sad.” She moved back and sat besides him, Jeff couldn’t believe this.
“Come on, I had to fill my car with gas from my dads car, I got pulled over by a cop, and then my car broke down and I had to run all the way over here. My shoes are muddy, come on I deserve this.” She turned to face him
“You did all that for me huh? Sounds like someone’s desperate…well, lets see if I can change that.” She started to pull down his pants when she whispered in his ear,
“You got protection?” Jeff smirked.
“Why of course.” He put his hand in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, he reached in there and pulled out…a note.

Dear Jeff, sorry had to take your condom…it doesn’t matter though…she’s holding out anyways right? Have a good one.

Jeff sat looking at the note for a good three minutes after having finished reading it.
“Well? We going to do this or what? I could be sleeping right now.” Jeff looked her in the eyes and with a cracked voice he said.
“How bout we make out?” she just pulled up his pants and got up ready to go upstairs.
“Nope, I think I’ll be stubborn.” Jeff walked to the door and opened it, he closed his eyes and thought COME ON! I’ve gone to far to just leave. He turned around, kept his eyes closed and said the words he wanted to say.
“Blow Job? Hand Job?”
“Sure blow job sounds good,” Amanda said sticking her head from around a wall.
“But where IS Ted anyways?” She smirked, turned around and walked upstairs to go to bed.


~NeVeR~sAy~FoReVeR~ said...

Wow. Doesn't it suck when you have a stubborn girlfriend;)
<3 it!!