Friday, June 5, 2009

(Part 10) The Lack Of Humor In Cheating

“SHIT!” Jeff yelled at the top of his lungs as he woke up from his nightmare of Sara beating him up while in a fiery underworld, he looked at the clock, 7: 30 pm… he had gotten home at 4... As Jeff clenched his fist trying to scare off his anger that he had slept the entire day away, he remembered why he woke up… that phone.
“Hello?” he sounded a little better then he had earlier that day.
“Hey babe!” exclaimed Sara. That’s when Jeff remembered why his ear hurt so bad at the moment… it was the ear he had been bleeding from.
“Hey… what’s up.” He spoke every word as if it was a marathon to complete the sentence.
“Umm I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a dance with me and some friends.” Jeff thought a moment… Let’s see… my lip is cut, my ear is sore to loud noises… my ribs feel better… she probably just squeezed me…
“Nope, can’t.” he said… it had only taken him seconds to reply.
“Aww come on babe, all my friends are… kinda hot?” she said dragging out the last words. Jeff knew it was a lie because of the tone in her voice.
“Nah, you’ll have more fun without me.” He replied hoping she would drop it, she didn’t.
“Damn, it’s just that I got this new skirt… and I mean… its more of a belt I guess… a biggish belt… and a tank top that’s almost see through…”
“Where is it?” Jeff said a little too fast
“22nd on Greenmail road, it’s The Growl and it starts at 8. I can’t wait to see you there, love ya.” Then Jeff heard the line go dead…
“Shit…” he said slamming his head against his closet door. He grabbed some clean cloths, had a shower, and started to drive to The Growl. He realized he smelt really bad because of his car, so he dropped by the general store and walked in.
“Jeff?” a voice spoke, Jeff turned to see Ted in his red stripped shirt that had big golden words saying Pleasant Crescent General Store.
“Ted! God it’s been awhile hasn’t it?” Jeff said realizing the long period of time it had been since talking to Ted last.
“Umm yeah last time we talked you talked about how you wanted to dump Amanda… I’m sorry to hear about her man.” He said dropping his voice to a remorseful tone.
“Don’t worry about it…” Jeff started, before Ted interrupted him.
“Don’t put up this tough guy thing, it’s ok… you want to cry?” Ted asked as he jumped the front counter and walked over to Jeff.
“Umm… I’m fine.” Jeff said but Ted just held out his arms and gave him a hug.
“Just cry… it’s ok…” Ted whispered in his ear then took a big step back, “Umm…Jeff?”
“Yeah?” asked Jeff wondering what Ted was so confused about… he saw Ted biting his bottom lip and his face turning red.
“Why is there no back to that shirt?” Jeff turned and looked in the nearest reflective surface.
“SON OF A BITCH!” he yelled realizing it was the shirt he wore the day him and Amanda went to the carnival and his shirt got stuck while on the ride and tore the back off. “I need this shirt,” continued Jeff “I have to get to The Growls for a dance with my girlfriend.” Ted gave him a very sympathetic look.
“Jeff… she’s dead…your delusional…it’s ok, I’m here.” Once again Ted held out his arms, and once again Jeff refused.
“No Ted, my girlfriend Sara, we started dating the day before Amanda died.” Ted just gave Jeff a confused look. Jeff ignored it and continued, “I have no more clean cloths…Ted when do you get off?”
“in a couple minutes… can I come?” he asked,
“Yeah of course, a little back up would be nice. Can I borrow a shirt?”
“Of course, just let me get out of my outfit.” He ran to the back got changed and met Jeff in his car, when they got to Ted’s house they rushed to his room, Jeff put on a decent looking shirt and looked at Ted.
“Can I wear this?”
“Mhmm, umm… we should take my car… your smells like shit.” Ted said going for his cologne.
“Uhh… can you spray me with that? I kinda really smell.” Ted agreed and sprayed him then they drove to The Growls.
“Hey babe!” Sara yelled as she slowly walked towards Jeff, but then stopped and stared at Ted her mouth looked as if it was about to fall off, but then she closed it and threw her arms around Jeff’s waist.
“Nice job.” Ted whispered into Jeff’s other ear, then he walked off towards Sara’s friends to mingle…it was what Ted did best.
“Hey where did you get this shirt?” She asked
“Ted lent it to me.” Jeff said.
“Oh… it looks really good…you smell good.” She said again, Jeff smirked.
“Borrowed some of Ted’s cologne.” She whispered something as she turned her head to look at Ted. She grabbed Jeff’s hand and led her towards her friends.
“This is Chloe,” Sara pointed to a fair looking girl, a bit short, face a little miss-shaped with long blonde hair, a lot whiter then Sara’s. “Tanya,” Tanya was fairly tall and slim girl who had long bushy-like brown hair that covered most of her face up till her upper lip. “And finally Holly.” Holly had smooth black hair, she wore short shorts, and a black tank top, Jeff couldn’t stop looking at her…
“Hey.” Jeff’s voice squeaked. Then they entered the dance, the music was extremely loud and Jeff’s sore ear started pulsing. He waited at the wall with Holly, she looked at him.
“Why aren’t you dancing with Sara?” her voice was very smooth and soothing even with the loud music blaring and her screaming it.
“I’m not the greatest dancer at the retirement home.” Jeff knew the joke was bad but it made Holly smirk so he was glad either way.
“You can’t be that bad, show me.” She turned and leaned up against him.
“Sure.” He replied and started to dance with her. Then he saw Sara tapping Holly on the shoulder,
“May I dance with my boyfriend?” Holly laughed and walked away towards Ted.
“Hey babe.” She replied Jeff just looked at her…even after Holly she looked amazing…
“Hey.” He smirked back, they danced for about three songs and then she stopped and looked at him,
“Do you mind if I dance with Ted?”
“No go ahead.” Before he even answered she ran towards Ted and hung off his neck… they had only known each other for a few minutes… He saw Holly…she was looking at him.
“Hey Holly…” He started
“Can you come with me for a second?” she asked, he agreed and she led him upstairs and into a small room with a door to stop people from staring in.
“What’s up?” asked Jeff.
“Um… I kinda…like you.” She said putting her hands behind her back and looking down.
“Wow nice and blunt.” He said she looked up smirked and pushed Jeff against the wall.
“Hey…” he said slowly.
“Hey.” Holly replied in the most seductive voice she could muster up. She lent in to kiss him… he found himself drawing to her as well.
“I can’t,” he said pushing her away, “I’m dating Sara… I love her.” He said
“She told me to do this.” Holly said starting to undo his pants.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, no!” Jeff yelled opening the door and running back down the stairs. He turned the corner and there was Sara… making out with Ted.
“What…” Jeff started saying.
“Yeah weird isn’t it?” asked Holly who had caught up to him. “They broke up a two months ago and she said she had no feelings towards him and boom… they are back stronger then ever.” Jeff turned around and walked away,
“Isn’t he how you two met?” Holly called out. Jeff couldn’t believe this was happening AGAIN! First Amanda now Sara…Jeff stopped and turned around.
“Lets go back to that box.” Holly smiled and quickly ran back to the box, Jeff wasn’t going to be the good guy this time.