Monday, July 6, 2009

Part 11: Cops And Fights

Jeff had his head slightly lowered while he had a smirk across his face, his red face, people looked at him and no one was sure if he was blushing or if he had laughed so hard he popped a vain. Finally he made his way through the crowd to the point he saw Ted with his arms and head against the wall behind him and Sara on the tip of her toes lips pressed against his while moving her hands up and around his body, he noticed Ted pushing her arms away…or down, Jeff couldn’t tell. He tapped Sara’s shoulder for her to get out of the way while he clenched and unclenched his right hand. Then he pulled his arm back and punched in one swift motion. Sara’s face moved with Jeff’s fist as it collided with her cheek. She dropped to the floor unconscious. Jeff turned to Ted and raised his head where the light reflected off his face so Ted could see that he had been crying, the tears that still stained his face were still visible.
“Ted, why-wh…wh… she was my girlfriend… she took my v-v-v-v-v card and she told me I too-oo-ook hers, and it was nice and… and… it was good…and it made my…why would you kiss her like that?” Jeff couldn’t control his rapidly falling tears.
“Jeff, you got it all wrong, I was pinned against the wall…she’s pretty strong for a chick. I kept pushing her hands off me didn’t you see?” Jeff wiped his eyes so that he could see, then he sniffed and continued his conversation.
“Yo-you promise?” he sniffed trying to control his leaking of bodily fluids everywhere.
“Yes I promise, I would never do that to you.” Jeff jumped onto Ted and buried his face into Jeff’s chest as he sobbed big tears. Ted lightly patted the top of Jeff’s head, while lightly saying, “Sh.. it’ll be ok, seriously…stop now…Jeff?” Jeff looked up at Ted.
“Ok… sorry about th…” Jeff was interrupted by a man who yelled…
“Give’em a kiss!” That’s when Jeff and Ted both noticed that the music had stopped, Sara was still on the ground and now everyone started to chant.
“Give’em a kiss… Give’em a kiss… Give’em a kiss!” The mixture of guys and girls voices filled the at one point silent room.
“Umm no, no we aren’t… no.” Ted said raising his arms giving the whole ‘cut it out’ signal.
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” Jeff said successfully collecting himself by this point. The two friends turned around to leave when they noticed two security guards running over to them.
“The fuck happened here?” The first guard said seeing Sara on the floor.
“Are you REALLY so lazy you can’t say ‘what’?” the second guard said to the first one.
“Don’t start with me Jake the wife’s been giving me a hard time.”
Jake just made a whip noise while pretending to whip the first guard. “She got you on a tight leash eh Bob?” Ted leaned over to Jeff and whispered “What a cliché name for a copper.” Jeff looked at Ted with a smirk on his face while mouthingCopper?
“Who punched this young lady?” Bob said, starting to blush from Jakes comment.
“I did.” Jeff said looking ashamed in the fact that he punched a girl.
“Ok, well come with us.” Bob said grabbing Jeff’s wrist.
“Don’t think so.” Ted hurled his fist and hit Bob in the face.
“Shit my nose. Ugh… Jake… is it…”
“No it’s not bleeding genius, kid you come with us too.” Jake said holding his hand out motioning his four fingers to go with him.
“Same response.” Jeff said kicking Jake in the balls.
“AH! Why! Why did you have to kick me there… a kick in the face would have worked too! UGH!” Jake collapsed to his knees.
“Ha, good job Jeff you got him on his knees for you.” Ted smirked lightly punching Jeff’s shoulder.
“Yeah…but seriously…we gotta go.” As Jeff started to leave Bob punched him in the gut. Jeff almost collapsed in pain but managed to stay up. He heard some faint noises coming from infront of him, it sounded like “Son of a bitch.” Without looking Jeff punched again but this time in the stomach, which he then followed with bringing up his knee and felt the chin of his victim. He then looked... “Oh shit…”
“JEFF! You already punched her in the face.” Jeff looked dumb founded at Sara who had yet again passed out to the ground.
“Sorry… that second time was uncalled for…” Jeff started when he was then pushed to the ground and felt handcuffs piercing into his wrists. He turned his head to see Ted come down right besides him.
“Bad idea.” Jeff said in a muffled voice because of his cheek pressing up against the floor.
“I’m not the one who punched a girl.” Ted chuckled
“You mean punched a girl twice.” Jeff laughed which then turned into ‘Ow, ow, oww.’ as Bob tightened the handcuffs.
Ted and Jeff sat side by side in the police cruiser as Bob and Jake argued in the front.
“I say we stop and kick the shit out of these shits.” Jake said to Bob who was driving.
“But then we would have nothing to take in.” Bob said;
“Oh… yeah… right.” Jake laughed. After a moment of silence Jeff spoke up.
“Umm Jake can I ask you something?”
“What is it shit face.” Jake asked slightly cocking his neck to hear Jeff.
“How was my kick… I’ve never been in a fight before.” Jake looked forward looking as if he never heard the question.
“I’ve never cried before,” he started to say after a little pause, “But… I came pretty close tonight.”
“Hear that Ted? I can kick.” Jeff smirked looking satisfied out the window.
“How about me?” Ted asked Bob.
“Well I don’t know ‘bout kickin’ but you punched like some guy on UFC.”
“A black guy on UFC?” Ted asked, Bob chuckled.
“Yeah, a black guy on UFC.” Ted, too, sat back and looked satisfied.
“Hear that Jeff? I can punch like a black UFC fighter.” Jeff just looked at Ted with a smirk on his face.
“Congratulations Ted, I’m soo proud of you.” He said rolling his eyes.

Within a half hour Jeff and Ted sat in a cell. Ted leaned against the bars while Jeff sat on the ground.
“What do you think is going to happen?” Jeff asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe put to death?” Jeff was silent, not because he was scared but he didn’t know if Ted was serious or not.
“I’m kidding.” Ted said answering Jeff’s unspoken question. Then Bob walked in with Jake behind him.
“Ok, lets start off with this, we like you kids. You’re not that bad aside from the whole kicking our asses thing. So we aren’t going to have you two thrown in jail.”
“Thank god.” Jeff said giving a sigh of relief.
“Hold on there’s more,” Jake started “We can’t let you two off unpunished, we talked to your parents. You’re going to a camp for angry kids.” Ted and Jeff gave a sigh of disappointment.
“For how long?” asked Ted
“A few weeks depending on your progression.” Bob replied
“When are we leaving?” asked Jeff
“As soon as the escorting officer gets here. Your parents will meet with you two there with some spare cloths and accessories.” Jake looked out the window. “Actualy you’re leaving now, he’s already here. Have fun you two.” Jake said messing up Ted’s hair through the bars as Bob unlocked the door. The two friends said goodbye to there new cop acquaintances and walked outside towards the car.
“Nice guys.” Ted laughed.
“Yeah too bad we met under these circumstances… oh fuck no, fuck no, shit fuck no.” Jeff said after seeing the escorting cop step out of his car.
“Why hello there Jeffy boy. Looks like I’m your driver huh? Well this will be fun.” The cop winked at Jeff…the same cop who had seen him naked that one bad morning at the park. “Well since we are going to be spending a few hours driving together I should give you my name, it is officer Joe btw.” Jeff tried holding back even more tears as he got in the car. He turned to see Ted before they went into the car, the last words he heard before that long drive was Ted controlling his laughter and saying.
“Did he just say B T W?”